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Telephone: 508.454.6987


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Disclaimer:  Nothing herein constitutes or should be construed as legal advice.  All cases and circumstances are unique and may not be eligible for funding for a variety of reasons.  All funding approvals may subject to underwriting by third parties.  Summit Legal Resources LLC, its agents and principals are in no way liable for the actions of third parties with respect to the review, underwriting, approval/denial, funding, repayment, or other matters related to funding requests.

Legal, funding, lawsuit, finance, loan, cash, advance, pre-litigation, litigation, case, settlement, pre-settlement, funds, money, commercial, business, dispute, patent, trademark, copyright, contract, breach, breach of contract, plaintiff, action, claim, non-recourse, line of credit, lawyer, attorney, counsel, complaint, defendant, law firm, payment, repayment, tort, tortious, interference, fraud, securities, consumer, class action, BP, NFL, concussion, injury, personal injury, workers comp, compensation, damages, recovery, third-party funding, civil, client, businesses, third party, third-party, verdict, settled, judgment, monies, drug, product, defect, defective, auto, accident, collision, hurt, MDL, mass tort, harm, negligence, liability, fault, insurance, securities, consumer, counsel, infringement, enforcement, property, intellectual property, IP, court, arbitration, mediation, tech, technology, damages, plaintiffs, defendant, defendants, inter partes, invention, jurisdiction, venue, federal, district

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